Month: October 2017

What Are The Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth that dentistry currently has to replace missing teeth. They are artificial tooth roots that are added permanently into the jaw to support crowns, bridges or dentures. Dr. Jessica Stilley says, “they are a desirable alternative to bridges or dentures. Dental implants can replace one or more teeth and do not interfere with neighboring teeth.” The experience of having dental implants is very similar to having real teeth. We’ll tell you all of the advantages to having them in this blog.

Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure is Here!

Drs Lieber and Stilley are happy to announce the addition of laser periodontal therapy to our practice. This is an exciting technological advance that provides an alternative method to treat periodontitis. To learn more please click here, or feel free to phone the office with questions. |

Meet Smile-Maker, Laila

Dr. Jessica Stilley and her husband Michael, got a new reason to smile in February. That’s when they met Harriet, the dog they adopted and re-named Laila. Once terrified of crossing a threshold, she now sits on the couch with the family to watch TV and sleeps in the master bedroom. Her future could have been very different, however. This is her story.

Types of Dental Implants

A desirable alternative to tooth supported bridges or conventional dentures are dental implants. Implants are artificial tooth roots that are added permanently into the jaw. Dental implants can be used to replace one or more teeth and do not interfere with neighboring teeth. The experience of having dental implants is very similar to having natural teeth. They are brushed and flossed, and allow you to eat, speak, and have confidence in your daily life.