Month: December 2022

Young man learning about dental implant crown replacement

How long do dental implant crowns last?

Dental implants are an ideal, long-term solution for missing teeth! They resemble natural teeth in appearance, function, strength and maintenance – and are a more permanent alternative to dentures. Dental implants are considered a permanent dental treatment, but can they last a lifetime without replacing? Here’s everything you need to know! Do dental implants need …

How long do dental implant crowns last? Read More »

What is a gum graft?

By definition, a “graft” is ‘a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically’. So, a gum graft is essentially a gum tissue transplant. These can be either connective tissue or autogenous gingival grafts. Connective tissue grafts are used for covering tooth roots and gingival grafts are used for increasing attached tissue. If a patient …

What is a gum graft? Read More »