Month: May 2024

adult smiles and talks about Waterpik vs flossing

Waterpik Vs. Flossing: Which is better for gum health?

If you’re searching for ways to enhance your oral hygiene routine, you’ve likely come across the Waterpik™ device.  A Waterpik is a popular brand of water flosser that emits a pressurized stream of water to target plaque, debris, food particles, and bacteria. But is this a good alternative to traditional flossing for gum health?  Let’s …

Waterpik Vs. Flossing: Which is better for gum health? Read More »

adult wonders about orthodontist vs periodontist vs endodontist

Orthodontist vs periodontist vs endodontist: What’s the difference?

We recently wrote a blog describing the role of periodontists. What is a periodontist? Dr. Steven Lieber and Dr. Jessica Stilley from Periodontal Health Center realized that many people still struggle with the term, but also wonder about endodontists (when they hear that term). Both are oral health specialists, and have also been trained as dentists, but with extra specialized training. We’ll go over the details for you.