What are my tooth replacement options?

So you’ve recently had a tooth or two extracted and your dentist has mentioned the importance of getting it replaced. If it’s a front tooth, you may have already had that in mind. After all, a gap in your smile is noticeable and you have a feeling it will affect your confidence. You’ll be happy to know that there are several tooth replacement options available to you and we recommend you see a certified professional about this matter as they can tailor your options to fit your specific smile needs.

Let’s dive in and learn about the different types of teeth replacement options so you’re empowered with knowledge when you come in for your first visit with us.

Why is it so important to replace my missing tooth?

Losing a tooth can leave you in discomfort the first few days after your extraction or accident. But it’s important to be considering your tooth replacement options while your mouth heals and adjusts to your new missing tooth. Why? Besides the obvious gap in your smile, missing teeth can lead to a whole host of dental issues. From surrounding teeth drifting into the “open space” in an effort to make up for their missing neighboring teeth to other issues such as bone loss, difficulty chewing, and an uneven facial structure.

So what are my front tooth replacement options?

When one of your front teeth is lost to cavities, periodontal disease, or a traumatic accident, it’s an immediate and noticeable difference in your smile. It can have been cute as a kid when you lost your front tooth, but as an adult you know there’s not another growing in behind it. That’s where dental implants come in! Dental implants are permanent and offer a natural look which is especially important with your front teeth, aka your smiling teeth. Our Board-Certified Periodontists are able to create a custom crown that blends in seamlessly with your surrounding teeth. With a dental implant as your front tooth replacement you can smile confidently again, knowing your smile is harmonious once again and it’s virtually impossible to tell the difference between your dental implant and your natural teeth.

What about single tooth replacement options?

A single dental implant is also a great option for replacing just one tooth! You won’t have to worry about placing or removing anything because your implant will be permanent and require no more care than your natural teeth.

What are all the types of teeth replacement?

When it comes to replacement teeth, there’s a few different options available. It’s important to learn about each one so you can make an informed decision for your smile restoration. Here’s the 3 most common types of teeth replacement options.

Dental implants

There’s a reason dental implants are seen as the king of missing tooth treatment options! Their durability and natural appearance makes them a highly-sought after treatment. To get a dental implant involves a minor surgical procedure where a small titanium post is placed into your jawbone where your missing tooth was. Depending on your bone density in this area, our periodontists may recommend a bone graft before this procedure to encourage bone regrowth in this area and provide a stable foundation for your dental implant screw. This screw acts just like a tooth root and will “fuse” to the bone that supports your teeth before your custom crown is placed at the top. Giving you the closest look to your old tooth yet!

Dental bridges

A dental bridge closes the area of missing teeth between two teeth, hence the term “bridge”. There are a few different types of dental bridges, from the traditional bridge that’s secured by crowns on each side, to the implant-supported bridge, which uses dental implants to support multiple or a row of missing teeth.

Partial dentures

Like regular dentures, partials are removable and designed to replace multiple missing teeth within a dental arch (aka top or bottom row of teeth). Unlike dental implants, partial dentures require consistent and vigorous maintenance as plaque can build up in the spaces between healthy teeth where the partial is held. If your teeth are newly missing as well, you may need new partials every 1 to 3 years as bone loss continues.

Still have more questions about your options to replace missing teeth?

Your options to replace missing teeth are many and our team at Periodontal Health Center can help you find the perfect smile solution for you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We’re always happy to discuss any of our treatments or technologies with you.

The first step to finding the perfect tooth replacement option for you is scheduling an exam with an experienced periodontist! Come meet with us in Tampa or New Port Richey, we’d love to help support your journey to a happier, healthier mouth!


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